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Electricity Woes in Pakistan: Pakistani Celebrities' Struggle with Soaring Bills

In Pakistan, rising inflation and exorbitant electricity bills have made life difficult for the poor, and even celebrities are not immune to the situation.

Electricity Woes in Pakistan: Celebrities' Struggle with Soaring Bills
Pakistani Celebrities

Recently, Nadia Khan posted a video on her YouTube channel in which she asked her showbiz friends, Nida Yasir, Saadia Imam, and Faiza Khan, how much their last electricity bill was.

Sadia Imam said that her last bill was Rs. 67,000, after which she installed a solar system in her home.

According to Sadia Imam, her bill was only Rs. 19,000 after installing the solar system, even though her niece's wedding caused increased electricity usage during that time.

Famous morning show host Nida Yasir said that her electricity bill was Rs. 100,000, even though she was not at home for 15 days. "We are considering installing solar panels because of the high electricity bills, but they are also very expensive now," she said.

Nida Yasir said that they do not use air conditioning during the day and only use fans, and they also forbid their children from using air conditioning. At night, they all sleep in the same room with only one air conditioner turned on.

Actress Faiza Khan said that even though she does not use air conditioning and is often out of the house, her last electricity bill was Rs. 67,000.

According to Nadia Khan, she received a bill of Rs. 75,000, even though she was not home for three weeks and had gone to Thailand for work and then to Islamabad to meet her father.

"I am worried that if we were not at home for three weeks and the bill was Rs. 75,000, how much will it be this month when we are home?" she said. "We will have to use air conditioning very sparingly and teach our children to use it only at night when they are sleeping."

In this article I have discussed the rising cost of electricity in Pakistan and the impact it is having on people of all income levels. Celebrities are not immune to the problem, and even those who can afford to install solar panels are finding them to be expensive.

This article quotes four celebrities who share their experiences with high electricity bills. Saadia Imam is the only one who has found a solution by installing solar panels. Nida Yasir, Faiza Khan, and Nadia Khan are all struggling to cope with the high cost of electricity.

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