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Mufti Tariq Masud's Insights on Multiple Marriages and Commitment in Marriages

Mufti Tariq Masud suggests that it's often women who struggle in polygamous relationships, not men. He recommends that if men choose to have multiple wives, they should do so with genuine commitment in mind, rather than just for fun.

Mufti Tariq Masud's Insights on Polygamy and Commitment in Marriages
Mufti Tariq Masood

This is because it can be tough to treat multiple wives equally. When you spend time with one wife, the others might feel neglected and upset.

Drawing from his own experience of living with four wives, Mufti Tariq mentioned that he keeps them separate. The first 10 years were challenging, but he has become better at managing it. There were times when his wives had to live together, and those periods were quite tough.

Mufti Tariq advises men considering multiple marriages to plan ahead. They should be prepared to distribute their time fairly among their wives. Furthermore, they should understand that marriage is a significant commitment, much like a personal journey of growth and dedication.

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